We are tracking ships. Differently.

Historical AIS data

Live AIS map

Get historical data

Every day we will provide more than 6 million GPS coordinates about ~20.000 ships around the world. We are doing our best to keep this data visualized nicely and up to date. If you want go get some customized statistics, we are ready to help you!

What else we can do for you?

We tried to visualize all this data in different ways. At the moment we are able to provide you following options

  • 1) simple GPX (+ KML), basically it's RAW data
  • 2) different maps in our server
  • 3) animated video (can be with multiple vessels)
  • +) we are open to do MORE things, just kick us with your needs!
  • Data request

    You can download vessel list here (58036 rows)

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